Sunday, September 1, 2024

Trust Him

"Our relationship with God will grow only to the degree we are willing to put our trust in Him" (Elder Paul B. Pieper, "Trust in the Lord," April 2024).

I have listened and read this talk several times this week.  It had some important reminders that were helpful to me.  The challenges common to everyday living often stretch us to our very limits and place us in a position for growth; our progress in becoming more like our Heavenly Parents.  And even though a missionary can know in their heart they are where they are supposed to be, they are not exempt from challenges. In fact, missionary life can run the whole spectrum between spiritually high, joyful moments to miserable, even depressing, low moments which sometimes causes a missionary to question their decision to serve a mission. 

Unexpected and unwanted Urgent Care visits are just a minor portion of this journey of growth.  I don't usually take pictures of people not feeling well, but I have these two, so they represent our varied trips to the Urgent Care for UTIs, an ingrown toenail, abdominal pains, and food poisoning, just to name a few. 

 Sister Hernandez & Sister Logo-Vaelua

Sister Rosin smiling despite her pain.

What can't be represented by a picture is the pain of homesickness, worry over family and/or friends who are struggling back home, personal insecurities, or a multitude of other emotional wounds.  All of these challenges are real and painful in their own way. Yet, they are a vital part of the  curriculum necessary for our personal growth; crucial growth that potentially helps us choose to "suffer long, and be kind, envy not, be humble and not prideful, seek not our own will, not be easily provoked, think no evil of ourselves or others, rejoice not in iniquity but rejoice in the truth, be patient at all times, be believing and hopeful, and even to endure all things" (Moroni 7:45).  Mortality is definitely a hard curriculum, but I know He has not left us alone.  I have felt His help, and I will trust in Him, His plan, and His ways of teaching me.  I love Him.

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