Sunday, September 22, 2024

Departures & Arrivals, Transfer #6

Our Transfer #2 sisters arrived April 4, 2024 and on September 17th & 18th they became our departing sisters.  (Top row L/R) Sister Ordaz, Sister Chavez, Sister Price, Sister Sandoval, Gregory, Sister and  Mendes.  During the time they are with us we become pretty close, and it is easy to love them. We think of all our sister missionaries as our adopted granddaughters. 

Some traditional departing sister pictures

Sister Sandoval going to CA Anaheim Mission

Sister Mendes going to
Massachusetts Boston Mission, Portuguese 
Sister Gregory headed to
Arkansas Little Rock Mission, Spanish

Sister Price headed to Indiana Indianapolis

Sister Ordaz going to Arkansas Little Rock, Spanish
Sister Chavez going to
Texas Houston East, Spanish

Our movie night this transfer was "The Errand of Angels." It's a movie with pretty realistic emotions for the sister missionary experience.  They said we should have shown it earlier"

At our Departing Sister Devotional we ask the departing sisters to take about six minutes and 1) share one of their treasured experiences from the Mormon Battalion, 2) how being a consecrated missionary has blessed their life thus far, 3) their testimony of Jesus Christ.  President and I conclude with a few remarks and our testimonies.  These gatherings have been uplifting because hearts are tender, memories are real and testimonies are strong.  These amazing women are ready to leave yet apprehensive too.  They know some of these sisters they have spent six months with they will most likely never see again in this lifetime. 

Sister Del Carpio is from Peru.  She was supposed to come with Transfer #5 but had to return to Peru to have her visa updated.  She traveled by herself from Peru and arrive about an hour before the other sister coming from the Provo MTC.  We are so grateful she was able to come with this transfer!

L/R - Sister Del Carpio, Sister Mendoza, Sister South,
Sister Thackeray, & Sister Bradshaw

Traditional tour for new sisters,
led by the STL's, Sister Pepper & Sister Diede

1 comment:

  1. I love that these beautiful sister missionaries are not only watched over by Heavenly Father, but are taken such good care of by you two!
