Sunday, August 18, 2024

Who Are We Creating?

"To create is to bring into existence something that didn't exist before." (Elder Uchtdorf, Oct. 2008)

In an effort to strike up a conversation and get to know one  another, it is not uncommon for people to ask what talents or hobbies we have or what we like to do in our spare time, what places we've seen, or things we've accomplished.  And although I find myself asking similar questions of others, I have never liked being asked them myself.  These types of questions often leave me feeling like I'm not talented enough, don't have any meaningful hobbies, haven't traveled enough, or, in general, I haven't achieved very much. Even now, while serving as mission leaders, people will ask me what I'm doing while on my mission, and I find my mind quickly racing though my day/week trying to find any one thing that I can put into words to explain what fills up my days, and fills up my weeks.  I rarely land on any one particular thought to express but rather am left with a feeling of wonderment.  How I can put into words the variety tasks, people, and experiences that created the fullness and richness of my day/week?  Nothing I can say seems suitable.  So, in the end, I inadequately throw out a few meager examples that say something about how busy we are, how challenging it can be, and how much we enjoy it. But inside I feel there must be a better more accurate way to describe this whirlwind experience I am having.  

I am in the midst of creating and maintaining a learning atmosphere of growth for myself and as well as helping to facilitate growth in others. With each new personality added to our mission the atmosphere for creating and learning evolves daily. In the midst of the creative process how does one describe what is being created?  It isn't done yet.  The process of exercising faith, hope, and charity are individual and on going with the results being built line upon line. What I can say about the process is that every day and week is so full of things to be done, people to meet, and people to help that the days in a week seem like an eternity yet the week races by in a flash and it's Sunday again!  And even though I look at the calendar multiple times during a day/week, to make sure I'm not forgetting anything, I forget what day I am actually living.  I'm always surprised when I realize I knew what day it was when I got out of bed in the morning but by the afternoon I can have no idea until someone reminds me.  

I know I am a heavenly, eternal being having some unique earthly experiences which continually remind me of my mortalness and the importance of reaching heavenward. But as hard and as tiring as it can be, I am grateful for my varied mortal opportunities.  I am stretching and growing in my understandings and abilities.  I am in the midst of being created, with God's help, into a newer, better me --- and hopefully helping others with their creation process too. 

Stan's brother, Bill, passed away on July 16th.  We were able to take two and a half days to go to Scottsdale, Arizona and attend his funeral. It was a blessing to be able to see  David and Jessica and their family as well as Lindsey with two of her girls, Page & Jane Bangerter.  

Today, August 18th, was Bill's birthday.  He would have been 79. 

Earl Sanders and Norma Hamblin Kauffman Sander's graves.  Jane Norma Bangerter is named after her great grandma, Norma.  Bill was buried in the same cemetery. 

Bill's widow, Connie Kauffman

As I look back over my life, I realize that I have been a "home body" more than a traveler, a enjoyed being a mother teacher within the walls of my home than a teacher in any other organization.  I agree with the thoughts Lindsey expressed to me recently when she said, "I find my joy in everyday living and being home."  I have been blessed to have traveled more than many and associated with many wonderful people, but what I relish most is being home with family.  

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