Sunday, August 4, 2024

Second Arrivals (No departures) - Transfer #2

(Just catching up on a little back history here in this post.)

“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.” (C.S. Lewis)

With only 7 weeks of experience under our belts in learning our responsibilities as mission leaders our heads were still spinning when, "ready or not," it was time to greet five new arrivals on April 4, 2024. We were so grateful we still had Sister Frida Hernandez and Sister Milo Logo-Vaelua as our STL's.  They were still "holding our hands" and helping to "walk us through" how everything worked and what "traditions" sisters were used to doing. Truely, they have been the best of friends; always there in our time of need!

Our second transfer of sisters arrived at the San Diego Airport about 4:10 p.m. on April 4, 2024, but didn't come down the escalator where we were anxiously awaiting for them until about 4:40.  (I'm pretty sure they are the last to leave the plane, and then they must stop at the restroom to freshen up because it seems to take forever!) They seem happy and excited yet have an air of fatigue and uncertainty about them.  Of course, none of us know just what to expect in new situations and with new people, but we couldn't be more pleased with these wonderful sister missionaries!

The sisters we welcomed to San Diego were: (L/R) Sister Beatriz Chavez, Sister Audrie Price, Sister Marina Sandoval, Sister Sarah Mendes, Sister Kaitlyn Gregory, and Sister Eli Ordaz,   As we head to our cars in the parking garage, it is a mission tradition to stop and take a group photo with these pink airplanes. 

It is also a mission tradition to take transfer photos every six weeks.  And although there were no departing sisters with April's transfer, the existing sisters still did transfer pictures because in preparation for the new sisters they do change companions and often apartments. (The senior couples in this photo, besides ourselves are Elder and Sister Nielson on the left with Elder and Sister Harwood next to them.  Elder and Sister Sturges are a service mission couple who help us two days a week.  their service makes if possible for our senior couples to have a P-day on Tuesdays and not have top serve two shifts on Sundays.  They are truely a blessing to us!) 

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