Friday, March 22, 2024


A Cairn is made by the intentional and mindful placement of stones.  Each one is meant to tell another person someone else has traveled this place and they are on the correct path for reaching their destination.  I like seeing the pattern of how intentionally and mindfully marking the path for another person is an eternal principle for us to follow.  I love the scriptures where I can see God's mindful and intentional help for all mankind.   Truely, He has "marked the path and led the way," (Hymn #195, "How Great the Wisdom and the Love")

As a prophet and speaking for our Savior, President Russell M. Nelson has invited us to “think celestial” a process which requires us to be mindful and intentional in looking for the cairns to following. (Oct. Conf. 2023). 

In an article in the Liahona (March 2023) Elder Dale G. Renlund spoke on the value of recognizing and  following cairns put in place by God.  

Cairn #1 -   Know who we are - "Knowing who we are is a cairn of fundamental importance. Our most important identity is that as children of God, regardless of how else we choose to identify ourselves."

Cairn #2 - Know Heavenly Father's Will - "We learn God’s will for us in the scriptures, from the words of living prophets, and through the whisperings of the Holy Ghost. But we need to desire to be with and commune with God in prayer, as Jesus did. Knowing our true relationship with God, that He is our Father and we are His children, makes prayer natural. . . ."

Cairn #3 - Align our wills with Heavenly Father's will - "We need to conscientiously align our will with the will of our Father in Heaven. Prayer is one of the ways we do so. 'The object of prayer is not to change the will of God' but to help us learn and accept His will."

Cairn#4 - Make and keep covenants with God - "In life, we cannot create our own path and expect God’s promised outcomes. We are free to choose, but we cannot choose the consequences of not following the revealed path. . . ."

Cairn #5 - Endure to the end - "By knowing who He was, knowing and aligning His will with His Father’s, making and keeping covenants with God, and enduring to the end, Jesus Christ “marked the path and led the way” to how we return to our heavenly home. Our task is to follow those cairns. . . ."

We all, but especially women, play a vital role in recognizing and teaching others how God has "marked the path" for us to follow.  The faith and goodness of these young women who serve at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site is inspirational!  I love being around them.  They give me hope for the future.  

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