Sunday, January 5, 2025


"Time flies on wings of lightning; we cannot call it back" (Improve the Shining Moments, #226).  We are all freely given the same amount of time each day.  When the use of time is linked with others of like minds, purpose and direction, its value is immeasurable and the benefits to individuals and mankind, both temporally and spiritually, are immense.    

As hard as it is to do, I need to face reality and admit that I cannot with my time keep up with recording even the basic major events, transfers, community events, and holidays, that happen at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site.  I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day, energy in my person, or expertise in technology to make what I would like to do on this blog happen.  So, I have resorted to putting down a few thoughts and posting a link to where many of the missionaries post pictures for our general Battalion use.  (I'm linking in with others of like minds and using their talents to share as if they were mine.) 

As you look at this link, you will see some fun pictures, and you will also see WAY too many similar pictures.  That seems to be the bane of our modern society when it comes to photography.  It is so easy to take pictures and way to hard to decide which ones to delete. Hence, more then enough are posted.  

The video clips and pictures on this link show the creativity the sisters have in turning our very ordinary and sometimes grueling routine at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site into fun memories.  And there definitely is a strong sisterhood presence in our mission which is enriching for all of us. In the four transfers, or six months, they spend with us, we all grow very close to each other. 

Some thoughts by Teryl Givens that I'd like to share: Salvation means healing.  Damned means damaged.  When I am blind, He can help me see.  When I am wounded, He can heal me.  When I am in an "awful state," He will not abandon me.  And "Repentance is just a process of reeducating the heart."  

Everyday of my mission at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site I encounter opportunities to reeducate my heart to be more observant and serviceable, more grateful and giving, more thoughtful and caring.   

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Transfer Time: Departures (#3) & Arrivals #7

It's amazing how fast six weeks can go
when we are busy having fun!
Sister Pepper served as one of our STL's.
She left for the Nebraska Omaha Mission
Sister Rosin left to serve in the
Arizona Gilbert Mission
Sister Polanco left to serve in the
Texas Houston East Mission (Spanish)

Sister Stoddard left to serve in the
California Anaheim Mission (Mandarin)

Welcoming Sisters Lopez, Tingey, Roque, Anderson, and Flynn!

We and our STL's are there to greet them as they come down the escalator

They are always tired but happy.

Sister Anderson

Sister Flynn

Sister Tingy

Sister Lopez

Sister Roque

Transfer #7's First Battalion Tour

A visit to Lydia Hunter's grave.
Welcoming our Transfer #7 sisters

A Glimpse of Battalion Happenings

September 18th - October 30, 2024

Gratefully, due to mold and safety, we were able to move four of our sisters out of the condo apartment located near the Mormon Battalion Historic Site.  Now we have everyone living in the Arrive apartment complex under one roof.  Happy day!

Our weekly site trainings have been varied as usual.  We had some on personal and site safety issues.  We also talked about how to handle rowdy children on tours, how to give short tours, how to use the art in the building for a short tour, and what are our good closing procedures.  We also began having a "Battalion Moment" and this time we explained why the men of the Battalion were given outdated muskets to use and how they felt about their temple covenants. 

We established and began realizing our goal to take the sisters to the Newport Beach Temple once a transfer, which is every six weeks.  This has been a coordinating challenge but very much worth the effort.  We look forward to when the San Diego Temple is reopened.  Hopefully, it will be before we finish our mission in February 2026.  

Sisters Polanco, Salazar, Cox, South, Despain, Earl, and Rosin.

Elder and Sister Sturges helped us drive
Sisters Pepper, Diede, Stoddard, Cook, Rowley, and Howlett to the temple.

We worked on how to teach principles from Preach My Gospel (PMG) using scenarios that have actually happened with visitors. We strengthened our testimony of Joesph Smith and the Restoration by listening to "Profiles of a Prophet".  We began some awareness and discussions on, "Questions that Need Answering".  

We began music practices for our holiday performances, and started making plans for how we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day as a Battalion.  And due to some needed surgery by the brother who could help us with our outside Christmas lights, we actually put them up the first two Saturdays in October. (Crazy)  But we are now ready to be turned on our outside Christmas lights on Thanksgiving night.  (We will be putting up our inside Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving.)

The sisters had some fun with a Yoga night and a morning with bagels and a country
line dancing activity. A group of sisters went and played early morning basketball
and pickleball in a park with Elder and Sister Jones. 

The sisters have a tradition of a color themed social where every companionship is assigned a color and they are supposed to bring a food that color to their evening social. The companionship assigned orange had some extra fun with it. 

After having various presentation on the importance of our mental and emotional health, and have needing to send sweet Sister Vicente home to Mexico to receive the emotional help she needed, we decided our movie night would be Inside Out 2. Although not a church movie, it taught and reinforced some valuable emotional health awareness.  The sisters loved it, and we had a great discussion afterwards. 

Sister Kauffman and Sister Cox

And of course, they love to take selfies and pictures of each other wearing "matching" clothes.  And personally for us, we had an unanticipated visit from our son-in-law, Camron Hill.  Always a delight to have family come see us!

Sister Pepper and Sister Kauffman

Sisters serving on the same shift.


Thursday, October 31, 2024

Special Visitors Teach by The Spirit

All eleven of our sisters were in the second row and Sister Diede and Sister Pepper,
our STL's, were right in front of Elder Bednar.

When we first found out that Elder Bednar was coming to the California San Diego (CASD) Mission Conference we were hoping that our missionaries could attend it too. But on the afternoon of their conference our sisters would be giving tours.   Unfortunately, Elder Bednar's schedule was too tight to squeeze in one more meeting.  SO, we took comfort in knowing that some of our sisters had appointments to attend the Newport Beach Temple that day, and the temple is a great spiritual alternative.  

Then someone brought little fliers to the Battalion announcing that Elder Bednar would be speaking on Friday evening too.  We received mixed messages on just who was invited to the Friday evening meeting. Gratefully, Elder Clark, the Area 70,  reached out to Stan and said our sisters could attend the Friday evening fireside meant for friends, new members, and members thinking of returning to the Church.  Once we had approval, we quickly got on line and miraculously were able to change our temple reservations to the following Saturday.  This allowed us to have our departing sisters and their companions attend the Saturday CASD Mission Conference meeting with Elder Bednar and the others go to the Friday meeting.  Gratefully, as senior missionaries, we were able to attend both meetings.  Elder Bednar travelled and spoke with Elder Johnson and Elder Shumway.

There is no way I can adequately recap what was spoken Friday and Saturday.  Both times Elder Bednar taught as the Savior would.  Friday evening he taught and bore testimony of doctrine; Heavenly Father's plan of salvation, the church Christ established, the falling away due to distorted doctrine, lost authority, and corrupted covenants, and the need for a restoration. He bore testimony of how our church has the answers to life's most perplexing questions that cannot be found anywhere else.  He bore testimony of the authenticity of The Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ.  He taught all these things as he asked questions and invited people to give answers.  

He taught about how Heavenly Father is concerned about who we are becoming and this is why we are agents to act and not be acted upon.  The church is made up of imperfect people and is a laboratory where we help each other with opportunities to be better disciples of Jesus Christ.  If we take offense from someone's imperfections, it is our choice to be offended.  It is when we choose to be bound with Jesus Christ, we will find the greatest freedom and the greatest safety and joy in life.  

Because our hearts need to change He wants us to ask him what He wants for us, not tell Him what we want from Him.  Repenting, or change, takes faith, and faith is a power because it invites God's power into our lives.  

On Saturday afternoon these three men taught us for three hours much in the same manner as the evening before, only this time everyone had been given  selected talks by Elder Bednar and asked to study them before coming to the meeting.  Once the meeting started he taught the application of D&C 84:85, "Neither take ye thought before hand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." (See also D&C 100:5-8) 

He taught that faith is a spiritual gift to "do" before you "know."  He had previously invited us to treasure up in our hearts and minds the words of truth from the preparation documents we were given, and then he asked us, "What did you learn?" He invited us to raise our hands and be willing to answer this question without thinking in advance on what we wanted to say, but trust that we would be given the thoughts and words to say in the very moment.  It was quite the experience to listen to all these young sisters and elders sharing, extemporaneously, the thoughts that came to them.  Elder Bednar would take time to validate thoughts/feelings as well as to push a little deeper by asking another question as well as to teach/reinforce/expound on a principle the young missionary mentioned.  

Some of the principles I heard were, obedience is not a transaction to get what we want. It's about helping us to become like our Heavenly Parents.  Focus on being worthy through Christ.  Let my ego go and get out of the way of doing what I think so the Lord can work through me.  Spiritual gifts cannot be earn.  When He can trust us, He gives us the gifts so we can love and serve others.  

We don't have to have all the answers for ourselves or others. Learning comes line upon line, here a little and there a little. ( Elder Bednar taught that the "teacher" we should appoint amongst ourselves is the Holy Ghost. (D&C 88:122) The Holy Ghost will teach us when we have a desire to learn and act in faith instead of waiting to be acted upon. When we come prepared and have a desire to learn the Spirit can teach us things that the speaker didn't actually say, but the Spirit did.  This is learning by the Spirit, and when we take what the Spirit taught and implement it in our lives, it is the process of becoming a "new creature" in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17). 

An example in the scriptures of this type of teaching and learning can be found in 1 Nephi 11-14. Nephi can with a desire to learn, and the Spirit, through a series of questions, taught Nephi by inviting him observe, learn by what he felt and then bear testimony and then act on what was impressed to his heart and mind.  In other wards, to be an "agent" who acted and not be acted upon.  

In the last days, the covenant people of God will be "armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory" (1 Nephi 14:14) because they know how to listen and hearken to the Spirit of the Lord. God doesn't just want a covenant connection with us, He wants a covenant relationship that can happen through the Spirit's communication with us.

Each person was invited to sum up, in five words or less, some action she/he felt impressed to do from the experience.  I actually had two come to my mind. 1) Always take time to testify and 2) Give more prayers of gratitude. God is mindful of His work taking place here in California.  Everyday His spirit is felt by missionaries and visitors at the Mormon Battalion Historic Site.  I am so grateful to be trusted by Him to be a part of His work.  

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Time to Unwind

Someone once said that leisure time is only leisure time if it is earned.  Well, we think our missionaries earn some "leisure" time for all the long hours they spend serving others.  So, on two different P-days we have  gone to the beach in the morning and played volleyball.  We also set up a pickleball net in the parking lot of the Mormon Battalion three morning a week for sisters to play. Recently several sisters and Elder and Sister Jones went to a nearby park and played basketball in the early morning.  We have also been having a movie night once a transfer and showing a "Church" movie.   Not only are these opportunities to unwind from their normal routine, they are times to bond together in other meaningful ways. 

Seniors going to see a showing of "Escape From Germany"
We were the only ones in the theater, which was too bad because it was a great movie.

I trip for ice creams after singing at a senior center.


Departures & Arrivals, Transfer #6

Our Transfer #2 sisters arrived April 4, 2024 and on September 17th & 18th they became our departing sisters.  (Top row L/R) Sister Ordaz, Sister Chavez, Sister Price, Sister Sandoval, Gregory, Sister and  Mendes.  During the time they are with us we become pretty close, and it is easy to love them. We think of all our sister missionaries as our adopted granddaughters. 

Some traditional departing sister pictures

Sister Sandoval going to CA Anaheim Mission

Sister Mendes going to
Massachusetts Boston Mission, Portuguese 
Sister Gregory headed to
Arkansas Little Rock Mission, Spanish

Sister Price headed to Indiana Indianapolis

Sister Ordaz going to Arkansas Little Rock, Spanish
Sister Chavez going to
Texas Houston East, Spanish

Our movie night this transfer was "The Errand of Angels." It's a movie with pretty realistic emotions for the sister missionary experience.  They said we should have shown it earlier"

At our Departing Sister Devotional we ask the departing sisters to take about six minutes and 1) share one of their treasured experiences from the Mormon Battalion, 2) how being a consecrated missionary has blessed their life thus far, 3) their testimony of Jesus Christ.  President and I conclude with a few remarks and our testimonies.  These gatherings have been uplifting because hearts are tender, memories are real and testimonies are strong.  These amazing women are ready to leave yet apprehensive too.  They know some of these sisters they have spent six months with they will most likely never see again in this lifetime. 

Sister Del Carpio is from Peru.  She was supposed to come with Transfer #5 but had to return to Peru to have her visa updated.  She traveled by herself from Peru and arrive about an hour before the other sister coming from the Provo MTC.  We are so grateful she was able to come with this transfer!

L/R - Sister Del Carpio, Sister Mendoza, Sister South,
Sister Thackeray, & Sister Bradshaw

Traditional tour for new sisters,
led by the STL's, Sister Pepper & Sister Diede